SRL products always adhere to the highest grades of quality. However, we understand that our multiple grades may sometimes tend to overlap or disorient users. The explanations below give an approximate representation of our grades and the most closely suited applications. All products in this catalogue are wholly suited to research applications, experimentation, quality control, and the publishing of research documents subject to correct selection by the user(s).
Products for Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy specially suited for AAS instrumentation.
Complying with the specifications of American Chemical Society (ACS) reference manuals / ANALAR specifications, for critical laboratory analysis and quality production applications.
Containing highly reduced water content for 'anhydrous' reactions, synthesis and assay studies.
Low endotoxin products specially suited for cell culture DNA, RNA, Genetics applications.
Very low ionic impurities and suited for electronics and high-end applications.
Complying with the compendial specifications of USP (United States Pharmacopoeia) or BP (British Pharmacopoeia) or Ph.Eur (European Pharmacopoeia) or all. For production, quality control and laboratory applications.
Purified grade suited for general laboratory or synthesis.
For Gas Chromatography assay. Suited for use in GC instrumentation with Head Space.
Having very high levels of assay/purity (typically 3N (99.9%) 4N (99.99%), 5N (99.999%) or more) as compared to similar products in their class/category. Specially synthesized and purified for critical applications with low elemental impurities.
For High Pressure Liquid Chromatography or Ultra Violet Spectroscopy. Suited for use in HPLC or UV instrumentation.
For microbiological application and bacteriological studies.
Typically dyes, stains and indicators (powders and solutions) used for microscopy and histological applications.
For molecular biology, cell culture, tissue culture, genetics, and all such applications, tested 'non-detected' for DNAse, RNAse and Protease.
Solvents for NMR studies suited to most advanced NMR instrumentation.
General, commercial grade for synthesis and routine applications.
Organic Analytical Standard/Chromatographically Harmonized Reagent to be used as in reference studies as an analytically pure standard.
Ideal for scintillation studies.
Ideal for plant tissue culture application & studied.
Indian Pharmacopoeia.
British Pharmacopoeia.
United States Pharmacopoeia & The National Formulary.
Dehydrated media prepared as mentioned in ICH Guidelines.
For microbiological application and bacteriological studies.
For Microbiological preparation and cell culture media.
Dehydrated media prepared as mentioned in IP (Indian Pharmacopoeia).
Dehydrated media prepared as mentioned in USP (United States Pharmacopoeia).
Dehydrated media prepared as mentioned in BIS (Bureau Of Indian Standards).
Dehydrated media prepared as mentioned in ISO (International Standards Organization) Guidelines.