(6-Aminohexanoic Acid, 6-Aminocaproic Acid BP)
Part A
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Whiteor almost white , Colourless
Crystalline powder, Crystals
Freely soluble in water,slightly in alcohol
It melts about 205°C with decomposition
A) Passes
C) By Chemical test
D) By chemical test
Clear on standing standing 24hrs.
Solution S is colourless and remains clear on standing 24 hrs.
7.5 - 8.0
A) 287 nm : NMT 0.1 & 450 nm : NMT 0.03
B) 287 nm : NMT 0.15 & 450 nm :NMT 0.03
NMT 0.5%
NMT 0.1%
98.5 - 101.0%
BP 2020
25 to 40°C (Room Temperature)
36 Months
Not Regulated for Transport (Non-Haz)
29224990 (GST 18%)
29224990 (GST 18%)