Pack Size


1 Kg
5 Kg
25 Kg

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Appearance (Colour)

White or almost white

Appearance (Form)

Crystalline powder


Very slightly soluble in water, freely soluble in (96%) ethanol and dissolves in dilute soluions of alkali hydroxides

Identification (IR Spectrum)

B) Passes


A) Melting point 148 - 151°C
C) By TLC (in Gallic acid test)
D) By chemical test

Appearance of Solution

Clear and not more intensity coloured than reference solution BY5

Total chlorine

Max. 200ppm

Chloride (CI)

Max. 100ppm

Zinc (Zn)

NMT. 25ppm

Loss on drying

NMT. 0.5%

Sulphated Ash

NMT. 0.1%

Assay (On dry basis)

97.0 -103%


BP 2020


25 to 40°C (Room Temperature)

Shelf Life

36 Months

IMDG Identification

Not Regulated for Transport (Non-Haz)

HSN Code :

1 Kg

29182930 (GST 18%)

25 Kg

29182930 (GST 18%)

5 Kg

29182930 (GST 18%)

Safety Datasheet

Product Datasheet

Sample COA

Certificate Of Analysis