Part A
Prices are indicative and are subject to change
Crystalline powder
min. 99.5%
5.9 - 6.3
max. 0.05%
max. 0.2%
max. 0.005%
max. 0.005%
max. 0.005%
max. 0.0005%
max. 0.0005%
max. 0.0005%
Passes test
max. 0.1
max. 0.1
Not detected
25 to 40°C (Room Temperature)
60 Months
Not Regulated for Transport (Non-Haz)
29224910 (GST 18%)
29224910 (GST 18%)
29224910 (GST 18%)
29224910 (GST 18%)
Plastic Bottle
Plastic Bottle
Plastic Jar
Plastic Bottle